About Me

First off...I'm not a writer, kinda ironic right? All throughout high school and college I was always using the largest margins allowed, double spaced and as big of a font as possible for my papers. After every paragraph I'd check the word count to see if I made it to my requirement. This blog is somewhat a growing process for me. Getting my thoughts and ideas written down, so not only will I remember them later, but maybe someone else might be able to use it too. Probably not, but I'd like to think so! 

I'm 26 years old and live in Franklin, Tennessee...yep just outside of Music City! My wonderful husband, Jason, and I moved here from Saint Petersburg, Florida in September 2009. We've been married since June 2008 and I couldn't be happier. He is my BEST friend. I don't know what I'd do without him. You would think we'd get sick of each other after spending lots of time together, but no! It just keeps getting better. I'm so thankful and blessed to have found him!

So, you're probably wondering how I got around to all this baking? Well, growing up in my house something was always baking! My Mom is still the official cookie maker for every holiday and family get-together. I've always loved baking and cooking in general! It wasn't until a few years ago I realized I could combine this love of baking with some creativity and begin designing cakes. I love to be able to personalize cakes for people for every special occasion. Seeing others happy truly makes me happy! I still have to keep my day job to support my baking habits, but it's totally worth it!

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