Sunday, June 9, 2013

Ericka's Bridal Shower...March 3, 2013

Believe it or not my little sister just got married too! Just one month after my older sister's wedding my sweet little "Hoola-Hata-Yata" tied the knot. My older sister, Tiffany, and I flew up to Pennsylvania in March for Ericka's bridal shower. We helped her maid of honor and other bridesmaids throw a beautiful shower for her and it was a great day. With all the craziness of flying in and trying to prepare food and decorations I didn't make any cakes for this one. But her maid of honor knew someone who does cakes in the area and came up with these beauties...

They were a perfect match! We kept the coral and teal theme that Ericka is using in the wedding. We had it at Ericka and Dan's church. It was a great turnout and it was great to meet Dan's family and friends and see our family as well. I think everyone enjoyed themselves with the food, games, fellowship and fun. Ericka got a lot of great gifts that are essential when you're first starting out in your own home.
One of my favorite things was the recipe cards. We sent recipe cards in each of the invitations and when the guests arrived at the shower they all had their favorite recipes to put into a cookbook for Ericka. The other thing we did kind of as a "guest book" was we put out a jar with popsicle sticks and had people write down different date ideas so during their first year of marriage on nights when they want to go do something they can pick a date from the date jar. It was fun reading everyone's date night ideas, especially Grandma's, which was...go to bed! :) Overall, it was a beautiful day, quite chilly, but at least we were warm and cozy inside. Her wedding was May 25th! Be on the look out a cake blog for that one too!

 I love my sister!!!

The now Mr. and Mrs. Dan Newman!!!! :)